Lime the lawn: timing and instructions

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Depending on the soil conditions, lime can work wonders in lawn care. We explain when it makes sense to use lime and when it doesn't.

Everyone wants a green, pristine lawn. If the soil is full of moss and weeds, liming is certainly an option, but it can also have the opposite effect. Even experts have different opinions and warn against false euphoria.

Kalken aims to achieve optimal soil quality and create ideal conditions for lawn growth. Lime can enrich the soil with nutrients when these are lacking. We'll tell you when the lawn needs lime and how to do it.

❍ Does every lawn need lime?

This cannot be asserted. It depends on how the soil is composed. A clue is the pH value. This tells you how acidic the substrate is.

If the soil is neutral, the pH value is 7. Higher values indicate an alkaline soil. A lower pH indicates acidic soil.

The pH value in keywords:

  • > 7=alkaline
  • <7=sauer
  • 7=neutral

If the pH is in the range of 5.5 to 6, the lawn will probably thrive optimally and will not need the addition of lime. However, significant deviations from this ideal value are much more common. This leads to deficiencies in the lawn.

If, for example, there is an increased infestation of moss, this can be taken as a sign to lime the soil. However, you should always play it safe, because moss can have various causes and also occurs, for example, when the soil is too compacted.

If the lawn is overgrown with clover and nettles find the best growing conditions, this indicates an alkaline soil. So the pH is already elevated and this lawn does not need any additional lime.

Tip: Sorrel does not indicate alkaline but acidic soil.

How do I determine the pH of the soil?

If you want to be sure whether the lawn really needs lime, you should carry out a test and do itDetermine the pH of the soil. Corresponding sets are available in hardware stores and garden centers for around five euros.

The application is simple and straightforward:

  1. Put 100 grams of soil in a sealable jar
  2. Fill up the substrate with 100 milliliters of distilled water
  3. mix well and wait ten minutes
  4. Dip the pH test strip into the liquid
  5. Discoloration indicates the pH value

With this measure, the hobby gardener can get a first impression of the condition of the soil and draw appropriate conclusions.

❍ When should you whitewash the lawn?

Late winter is the best time to apply lime to the lawn. The exact date is to be determined individually. The ground should no longer be frozen. The lime must be able to penetrate the soil to be effective.

It may be advisable to whitewash the lawn a few weeks after scarifying. Then the soil is free of weeds and at the same time well aerated. This allows the lime to penetrate the soil unhindered and have a targeted effect.

Which lime should be used?

Lime is not just lime. Calcium carbonate is best for lawns. This is also available under the name "Gartenkalk".

Tip: If you want to reduce lime dust, use granulated types.

Quicklime, on the other hand, should not be used for lawn care. This has a strong corrosive effect and is not used in horticulture.

For better orientation, the different types of lime are listed in the following overview.

Grass LimeTurf lime consists of different compounds.
Usually it is lawn lime consisting of calcium carbonate.
This carbonate of lime is suitable for all soils.
Dissolves in acidic soil the lime best on.
LimeWe mainly know quicklime as an admixture to mortar.
However, this quicklime is also sold as lawn lime.
Quicklime is not suitable for use in the home garden, as sensitive plants and microorganisms are sensitive to it can be destroyed in the ground
mixed limeMixed lime is a mixture of lawn lime and burnt lime.
Before use, pay attention to the composition.
A high proportion of quicklime makes mixed lime rather unsuitable for lawns in the home garden.
limeplusVarious substances have been added to this lawn lime.
Magnesium lime can be used if the soil is demonstrably lacking in magnesium.
Algae lime made from ground seaweed is quite expensive.

❍ Liming the lawn - step by step

1. Determine the time
2. Scarify the lawn
3. Apply lime
4. Water the lawn
5. Let the lawn rest
6. Check the pH value

Once the snow has melted and the ground is no longer frozen, the lawn care can begin. This is done first by scarifying the lawn. In this way, the soil receives an extra portion of oxygen and is well aerated. A few days after scarifying, the lime is applied to the entire lawn. This can be done by hand or spreader.

Warning: If the lawn is limed by hand, it is essential to wear gloves. Direct skin contact with the aggressive lime should be avoided.

Once the lime is evenly distributed over the entire area, the lawn is thoroughly watered. The lime can be better distributed in the soil and quickly neutralize the acid.

Now the lawn should rest for a few weeks. It is only fertilized again when the first stalks sprout. It usually takes about a month until then. After liming, the pH value is checked. If there is no improvement, the process can be repeated the following autumn.

Can you whitewash when it rains?

The soil should be as dry as possible. Therefore, liming the lawn when it rains is not an option. After the liming, however, there can be a heavy rain shower. Then the lime will seep into the ground better.

❍ When can the lawn be reseeded?

Grass seed can be applied after scarifying and before liming. Then there is a break of four weeks. Since the condition of the lawn and the climate also play a role, a certain amount of sensitivity is required here.

The following mistakes should be avoided when caring for the lawn:

  • frequent uncontrolled post-liming
  • Lime the lawn when it rains
  • Lime the lawn in case of ground frost
  • Lime the lawn with quicklime
  • Constant Verticulation
  • very short lawn cut in hot summers
  • Watering in full sunlight
  • Mowing the lawn with blunt knives

Determining the pH value is the most reliable indicator of whether the lawn needs lime. Therefore, one should not act on one's own authority. Too much lime damages the lawnand inhibits its growth.