Setting up a rose arch - 2 tips

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If you want to put up a rose arch in your garden, then you should fix it very well, otherwise it may fall over at some point.

Rose arches adorn our gardens, are eye-catchers worth seeing and are also often used as a dividing element. We'll tell you how to set up a rose arch.

Rose arches must be set up stably

A rose arch is often set up as a passage on paths or directly at the entrance. But a rose arch also needs to be set up neatly and, above all, stably. The reason: on the one hand, the plant itself, which naturally grows and becomes heavier over time, needs support, but on the other hand also because of the weather. Wind tugs at the rose arch and can knock over a loosely attached arch very quickly. Follow our guide and your rose arch will stand like a one.

Setting up a rose arch - 2 tips

»Dig four holes at least 50 centimeters deep where you want to place the rose arch. Then place a metal or plastic pipe of exactly the same length vertically in the hole and fill it with liquid cement. This tube should have a diameter of about 20 centimeters. Now all you have to do is place the rose arch in the foundation, let the cement harden and fill the holes with soil - done!

»If you want to set up a rose arch made of wood, you shouldn't embed the wood directly into the cement, but first use what are known as joist hangers. You can also put these in the ground without a foundation. You should screw the wooden rose arch firmly to the joist hangers.