Carnations do not usually need to be cut. However, pruning has many advantages. You can use it to positively influence growth and flowering.

Carnations are among the most popular garden flowers. In order for growth and flowering to be guaranteed, the plants need the right location, the appropriate substrate, as well as moisture and a fertilizer that is as calcareous as possible. Pruning, on the other hand, is not one of the primary care measures, and yet growth and flowering can be positively influenced by appropriate pruning work. We would like to tell you exactly how in this article.
Why should cloves be cut?
Pruning carnations has two main reasons. A cut in the spring is necessary in order to recognize and, if necessary, eliminate the damage of the winter. It is important to remove old, dried up or frozen parts of the plant. This not only improves the appearance of the plant, but also gives it a good start to the new gardening season. Because carnations that are pruned in spring sprout faster and stronger.
But you shouldn't completely neglect the cut in summer either. Plant parts that are diseased or infested by pests should always be removed immediately. To keep the plant attractive, also cut off faded parts of the plant in late summer.
What happens if carnations are not cut?
If the cut is neglected for a longer period of time, the plants will bare. The appearance and flowering suffer as a result. In this case, you should trim the cloves by about a third. This stimulates rapid new growth and gradually restores the original growth habit.
Pruning carnations and encouraging them to bloom again

As already mentioned, it is advisable to remove faded carnations regularly. The pruning is not only for the appearance of the plant. Most carnations can also be motivated to bloom again by cutting off faded shoots. The second bloom is then usually less lush than the first bloom, but it is still an attractive addition to the late summer garden. Especially spring carnations and peony carnationsOften bloom again after pruning.
If you want to propagate your carnations, you must not cut back faded flowers. Otherwise no seed can be won. In this case, the scissors won't be used until next spring.
Pruning carnations as ground cover
Some types of carnations grow as ground cover and thus at low heights. After flowering, it's best to use a sharp knife and cut off faded blooms to create a uniform carpet of plants again.
Regular maintenance pruning is generally recommended for ground cover plants. Because if all withered leaves and dead shoots are removed, growth is promoted.
Pruning carnations as cut flowers
Carnations are extremely popular as cut flowers. If you cut them when the buds are just beginning to open slightly, they will last the longest. You can also extend the life of the cut flowers if you change the water every two days and cut back the stems slightly.
Simply remove the small side buds to allow an attractive main flower to develop.
Cutting cuttings - Here's how
When it comes to pruning carnations, obtaining cuttings is also an issue. If you want to propagate your plants, you can use any pruning to obtain cuttings for propagation. The right time for this is the months of July or August. When cutting the cuttings, simply do the following:
- Always take the cuttings from he althy and strong plants. It is best to choose side shoots that are no more than ten centimeters long.
- Remove the lower leaves of the shoot.
- The cutting is then dipped in rooting powder and planted in a sand-peat mixture.
- After about a month, enough roots have formed. The young plants are overwintered indoors or in the cold frame.
- Young carnations can be planted out from the end of March.
Pruning is not necessary in the first year. You should only regularly remove faded or diseased and wilted parts of the plant.