Horsetail: tips for cultivation and use

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You can easily grow field horsetail in the garden yourself. Read here how it works and how you can use field horsetail.

Once upon a time, horsetail, popularly known as horsetail, grew as tall as a tree in our forests and became known to our ancestors as an effective medicinal herb. This medicinal herb effect is based on the silicic acid it contains, which you can use primarily for kidney problems and rheumatism. So here is an explanation of how you can grow and use the field horsetail.

Grow horsetail

You can grow the field horsetail practically anywhere in our latitudes, such as along the wayside, in meadows, in beds, etc. That is why you can find this plant in nature practically everywhere - including as weeds in fields, where his name horsetail comes from. So the next time you go for a walk, all you have to do is keep your eyes open, dig up a field horsetail plant and plant it in the garden. This plant reproduces itself.

Even in early spring, the horsetail shows itself for the first time with a yellowish shoot, which is only used for reproduction and soon disappears completely. Only from May, when the green summer shoot emerges from the plant root, does the field horsetail unfold as a whole.

Important note! If you allow topsoil to be approached, already have it in your garden or apply conventional lawn seed to it, you already have horsetail in your garden or bring it in with the mixed lawn seed . Bringing the field horsetail from the field or meadow makes no sense in 99.9% of all cases.

Quite the opposite. Because it prefers to spread in lawns and flower beds, it is classified as a typical weed, so you should avoid bringing horsetail into the garden as well.

» Tip: The field horsetail can root up to 1.5 meters deep in the ground. With this plant you can actually loosen the soil in a natural way. However, you get it for exactly that reasonso hard to get out of the garden again.

Warning: Field horsetails are generally completely green. However, if you can spot brown spots on the plants, you should know that they are poisonous. You should then exclude these parts from any further use.

Tips for using horsetail

Tip 1 - Biological Pesticide:

You can make an effective pesticide against fungal diseases, powdery mildew and aphids from field horsetail. For this purpose, you have to brew the field horsetail (about 1 kilogram of fresh or 150 grams of dried field horsetail) in about 10 liters of water as a kind of tea. However, you should first let the horsetail sit for 24 hours (soak) and then boil it for about 20 to 30 minutes, which will dissolve the silica. Then allow this tea tincture to cool, fill into a squirt bottle and spray the pest-infested plants.

You can repeat this process every two weeks if necessary because it is ecologically completely harmless. A field horsetail tincture is excellent for mildew on fruit trees and nightshade plants, e.g. powdery mildew infestation of gooseberries, tomatoes, etc. But you can also use this tincture against aphids, red spider mites, various fungal diseases, etc.

Tip 2 - Plant strengtheners:

You get the field horsetail manure through a fermentation process. To do this, you have to ferment the field horsetail with water in a well-closable container for about two weeks. It is important that you stir the liquid manure once a day so that it is supplied with enough oxygen. Also choose a sunny, warm location for your liquid manure.

If you prepare horsetail as manure, you can use it in this form as a tonic for other plants. Simply water the plants several times with this liquid manure.