If you have a bleeding heart in your garden, you usually can't get enough of it. If you feel the same way, just propagate your plant. You have 3 options.
There are many plants that have beautiful flowers. But the Bleeding Heart is something very special. It has buds that really do look like a bleeding heart. Thus, the plant provides a romantic flair in the garden, on the terrace and on the balcony.
You don't have that many bleeding hearts in your garden? Then just multiply them. You even have several options to do this. You can take cuttings, divide the root ball or harvest the seed pods in the fall. All methods are successful and can also be used by garden beginners. The root division of the herbaceous plant is even necessary every few years to ensure he althy growth. So use that right away to propagate the plant.
This is how the bleeding heart can be multiplied
❍ Option 1 - Divide root ball:
The division can take place in spring before the first sprouting or in autumn after flowering. When the Bleeding Heart grows in the tub, it is best to set the time in autumn. Bleeding Heart in the bucket even needs a division every year because of the strong root growth - depending on the pot size. For perennials outdoors, divide the rootstock either if you want to cultivate a second plant or periodically every three to five years. Proceed as follows:
❶ Bleeding hearts form lush root balls with thick roots over the years, which are also called rhizomes. To propagate the plant, dig up the entire perennial and boldly divide the rootstock with a spade. A sharp knife is also good for smaller specimens.
❷ Then put the two halves back in the old and desired new location.
» Reading tip: Divide perennials - instructions
❍ Option 2 - Propagate Bleeding Heart with cuttings:
❶ To do this, cut off shoots about 15 centimeters long immediately after flowering. Then place the cuttings in a bright spot for rootingplace in a water glass. As soon as enough roots have formed - this takes about two to three weeks - place the cuttings in pots with humus-rich potting soil.
❷ The young plants can be outdoors before the first frost. Do think about winter protection though. Covering with straw or twigs is beneficial. But you can also put a large clay pot over the plants. Second option: you overwinter the little plants in a bright and cool room.
❸ After planting out in spring, good frost protection is also important because the first shoots of the Bleeding Heart are very sensitive to low temperatures.
❍ Possibility 3 - Propagate Bleeding Heart via seeds:
❶ In late summer, elongated seed pods form after flowering. Usually you cut off the faded flowers so that the plant no longer puts energy into seed formation. If you plan to sow, then wait until the seed pods are ripe. Then keep the seeds protected, dry and cool until ready to use.
❷ Start sowing from December. Scatter the seeds in loose growing substrate, cover thinly with soil and keep moist at all times. A warm and bright location, for example on the windowsill, is ideal until the first leaves appear.
❸ Then the pots move to a cooler room. Wait until there is no longer any danger of night frost before planting outdoors - ideally until the middle/end of May, when the notorious "ice saints" are over.