Integrating a pond in the garden is not rocket science in itself. However, it is more difficult to plan it correctly. After all, there are a few things to consider here.
A pond is really more than just a visual highlight in the garden. Depending on the type of pond, you can also swim in it, for example, or use animals. Both are of course fine. Unfortunately, many rush their decision for a garden pond. They don't really think about the equipment or the costs and their eyes widen when, for example, the fish die due to a missing filter system in the pond or the bill for the pond construction turns out to be much higher than expected.
So if you want to integrate a pond in your garden, you shouldn't rush into it. Be sure to think about a few important things beforehand. Choosing the right size and depth is of course not everything. There are many more points to think about. These relate to planning, implementation and cost calculation.
Key points when planning
Type and size of the garden pond:
How expensive a garden pond is basically depends on individual wishes. Smaller objects usually cost a few hundred euros, for larger ponds the costs can be in the four to five-digit range. Basically, the pond size depends primarily on the local conditions. In order to determine the size, however, you must first clarify what you want to use the pond for. Should it be a near-natural pond that should serve as a biotope for animals and plants, or should the pond be used for swimming?
[Location of pond:
Depending on the size of your garden, you need to choose the location of the pond. If you want to always have an eye on the garden pond from the terrace or living room, then create the body of water near the apartment or house. If you want a natural pond that attracts many animals, then it is better to build it a little further away. Is the garden somethingsloping, it is advisable to create the pond at the lowest point possible, as this looks more natural.
The right balance of sun and shade is also important: on the one hand, aquatic plants need a certain amount of light, on the other hand, too much sunlight promotes algae growth. For orientation: Five hours of direct sunlight are sufficient. The garden pond should be designed in such a way that it is in the shade of a larger tree or structure at midday. Trees with shallow roots, such as birch trees, are not allowed to grow too close to water, as the roots can pierce the pond liner.
Respect minimum depth:
A pond should not be too small if fish or other creatures are to live in it permanently. After all, larger ponds are subject to less temperature fluctuations, which is generally better for the ecological balance. It is also important that you pay attention to a minimum depth when creating a near-natural pond so that the animal residents can survive the winter without any problems. As a guide, you can stick to a minimum depth of 80 cm. This should be enough in this country so that the water does not freeze completely. You can of course create a smaller pond without fish.
Install filter system:
But if you want fish in the body of water, you also need to be aware that their waste will overwhelm the natural sewage treatment system, and they will also eat the natural sewage treatment system. In this case, the installation of a filter system to maintain the water quality is absolutely necessary for the pond ecosystem to remain he althy.
2 implementation options
1. Creating a pond using a plastic basin:
Garden ponds made of ready-made plastic pools are the quickest and easiest option. In addition to the simple construction, their robustness is another advantage. On the other hand, the small size sooner or later leads to a deterioration in water quality. This requires continuous maintenance and a general overhaul after a few years. The latter involves replacing the water and removing the sludge.
2. Creating a pond with pond liner:Creating a garden pond with pond liner requires a little more manual skill. It is advisable to excavate the ground in steps. It is important that the pit has a gradient of 1:3 from the middle of the floor to the top edge. On the remodeled(modeled) subsoil, you must then apply a layer of sand to level out any unevenness. If necessary, it is advisable to install a protective screen against mice and other rodents.
Next you need to put a pond fleece on top of the previous layer before you can insert the pond liner. Lay them as wrinkle-free as possible. You must also ensure that the edge of the liner faces upwards to prevent roots from growing into the pond. The cheapest material is plastic, the variant with rubber has an ecological advantage. In addition, plastic films release substances that also get into the water.
When the prefabricated pool is installed or the pond liner is laid out, the construction of the garden pond is not yet complete. Important technical accessories are still missing. These primarily include the pump and the filter. Which type and size are required depends on the size and planned use of the pond.
Overview of important cost factors
Pond Pump:
Choosing the right pump is not easy, as it takes on a variety of tasks in the pond. According to this website, together with the filter system, a pump ensures that the ecosystem in the garden pond is maintained. Further tasks are the delivery rate as well as the water aeration and the circulation. A pump must therefore be of the right quality so that it runs for as long as possible and ideally requires little maintenance.
It is also important that it does not consume too much electricity. So think carefully about what kind of pump you are getting. It is definitely worth investing a little more money here. With a cheap pump model you save money, but they often have a higher power consumption. Modern, technically up-to-date pumps, such as those offered at, are therefore cheaper in the long run. I found a good example of how expensive a cheap pump can become over time at It's really amazing how much you have to pay when you actually wanted to save money.
Electricity costs:
The next important point follows from the previous point: always keep an eye on the electricity costs. In addition to calculating the expenses for operating the filter system and the pump, there are also electricity costs for operating lamps for pond lighting. So if you don't want to fall over when the electricity bill comes in, I, as a pond owner, regularly recommend the electricity tariffcheck. The easiest way is with the usual suspects on the Internet, such as Verivox & Co. (
By the way:
Also plan enough money for decorative elements such as statues, ornamental plants or decorated stones. On top of that, of course, maintenance also costs a lot of money.