Checking geraniums for pests


To ensure that you can enjoy your geranium splendor for a long time, you should check geraniums regularly for pests.

Geraniums are balcony and window plants that are very popular. However, not only with us humans, also pests such as fungi and larvae like the geraniums very much. Therefore, the flowers should be examined regularly and treated if necessary. Pay attention to the following features:

  • Brown pustules on the underside of the leaves indicate rust.
  • If the coating is gray instead of brown, it may be gray mold.
  • If cork-like stains appear, then the water supply is too high.
  • If you notice holes in the leaves, butterfly larvae may be responsible.

Here's what you can do about it:

  • Water less, especially when the humidity is already high.
  • Cut off affected leaves liberally to avoid spreading the fungus or mold to the rest of the plant.
  • Simply collect any butterfly larvae and dispose of them.

With these measures you will get great geraniums that will give you a lot of pleasure.