Care for wine in summer - 3 valuable tips


Grape vines in your own garden - not only tasty, but also a beautiful decoration. Especially on house walls or pergolas. If you want to harvest plentiful grapes, you should start cultivating the wine.

as early as June
  1. The fruit stands in particular must be constantly checked here. Because not only the plant needs sun, but also - or above all - the grapes. If these are shaded by large leaves, you should remove them.
  2. It is also important that branches that have become too long are cut off. This happens three to five leaves behind the last fruit setting. On the one hand, the reduction allows more sun to reach the grapes, and on the other hand, the plant can concentrate its energy more on the growth of the fruit. This will make the grapes bigger and sweeter.
  3. Since not every fruit cluster grows evenly, it is also necessary that you thin out fruits that are too small (seen in relation to the others). Otherwise, they take away the energy from the stronger grapes.