Fruit in the garden is almost a must. Many gardeners simply cannot avoid fruit trees, whether apple, pear, cherry or plum. And one thing is clear: the fruit from your own garden tastes many times better than the fruit you buy. In addition, it costs nothing. And fruit trees don't take that much work either. Now and then a shaping cut, once a year the harvest, that's almost all you have to do. The older the trees get, the more fertilizer they need. Things to watch out for when you fertilize fruit trees:
Fertiliser helps against fungal diseases…
If you give the trees organic fertilizer with mature compost and also natural fertilizer containing potash, you will ensure that fungal diseases and the appearance of lice be prevented.
… and protects against frost sensitivity
In addition, fertilizer ensures a significantly higher frost resistance and the durability of the fruit is increased. In addition, the roots are strengthened. However, one should not fertilize too much, because that in turn can be harmful. It is best to stick to the rule of thumb of up to three liters per square meter of compost, otherwise the fertilizer recommendation on the packaging is relevant.