Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries - we love them and are planting them in our garden more and more often. Although these three berry varieties are quite easy to care for, you should still pay attention to a few things in order to get a rich harvest. Here are our tips for berry picking:
- Strawberries is best planted at the end of July or beginning of August. Then you can count on a lot of fruit next summer. To protect against snails, you should set up a snail fence.
- Raspberries are probably the easiest to care for fruits in the garden next to blackberries. Whether summer or autumn raspberries, as soon as they are ripe, they are harvested. Really try to do this regularly, at least once a week. Harvested branches are cut off close to the ground, as they will die anyway. Thin out new branches to 8 to 10, otherwise it will be too much.
- Blueberries are harvested from mid-July to the end of August. Here, however, the fruit should be protected from birds with nets. If you don't do this, you probably won't be able to harvest any fruits, because they will be plastered over faster than you look.