An apple tree should be pruned and pruned from time to time. The reason: this is the only way it can bear deliciously tasting and, above all, rich fruit in the long term. Once a year you should therefore prune the apple tree.
The best time for this is summer. At the end of June, beginning of July, you should therefore come with the pruning shears and trim the treetop.
Pruning the apple tree - fungal attack is minimized
To do this, cut off the annual shoots, i.e. the shoots that have grown in the last year, directly at the base, i.e. at the base of the branch and cut them off. This not only brings more light into the treetop, but also more air. This minimizes the risk of fungal infestation and wet flowers or fruits can dry more quickly in the sun. Anyone who does this regularly on their apple trees will quickly notice that it is good for the tree.
By the way: This method can also be used for pear trees. Oh yes, if the tree bears a lot of fruit, then you should already thin out the fruit in summer. As a result, the other fruits get better and grow more luxuriantly.