Video: Keeping runner ducks - important information on accommodation and species-appropriate keeping of the snail eaters


Slugs in the garden are a real nuisance. Fences, beer traps and slug pellets are very popular methods of control here. Runner ducks are also mentioned more and more frequently. They love to eat snails, their eggs and other small animals.

Anyone who is thinking about purchasing running ducks should find out more about species-appropriate keeping beforehand. Although running ducks are relatively easy to care for, they still need to be taken care of on a daily basis. You not only need a little time, but also enough space. If you would like to learn more about keeping ducks, be sure to check out the article above. This was published last year on the BR show Querbeet.

Incidentally, runner ducks are not only useful for eating snails, they even lay eggs. A female runner duck can yield between 100 and 150 eggs in one season. These have a slightly different taste than chicken eggs and are also significantly larger. They are ideal for baking cakes, but can also be eaten as a breakfast egg (caution: only well cooked).