What to do if a tree gets too big?


If moving into your own house was combined with planting a small tree, this tree can develop into a real giant over the years. Chestnuts, lime trees, walnuts and beech trees in particular often grow very quickly and can become a problem after a few years. But what to do if a tree gets too big?

The tree not only visually overwhelms the house - the shade for the garden and the deprivation of water for other plants also become a problem.

The expert has to work
If you have such a giant tree in your garden, you have to decide to clear it. The specialist can prune the tree and remove or shorten branches that are too large. The disadvantage, however, is that the trees then lose their natural shape at some point. The optics often suffer considerably due to this regular pruning of the giant trees.

Inform before planting
Apart from clearing, the only way to protect yourself from unwanted green giants in your own garden is to provide precise information before planting Information is to be obtained as the final size of these trees evolves.

Choose small types of trees
Small types, which are also beautiful for the house tree as the first planting in the garden, can be the mountain ash, the field maple, the vinegar tree, the Elderberry, medlar, quince, crabapple and numerous other fruit trees. Even after decades, these do not prove to be annoying shade providers and water robbers.