Summer time is wasp time. If you want to eat and drink out here, you have to pay more attention to the little pests. That's not always possible, especially with small children, and let's be honest, you don't want to have the hum around you all the time.
A small homemade wasp trap can help here. In the video from MarketingMix you get the right instructions. It might not be the most decorative method, but it's practical. And everyone actually has the material at home.
Did you know?
The issue of wasp killing is a controversial one. Can you do it or not? The Animal Welfare Act only regulates the killing of vertebrates. This does not include the wasp.
The Federal Conservation Act states that killing without good reason is not permitted. So only if you really feel threatened and bothered, you may take action against the wasps. However, this law does not apply to two specially protected species. These are the gyroscope wasps and the button horn wasps. However, the two species generally stay away from humans.
Wasps can be really annoying, but it's important to remember that they are also useful animals in our ecosystem. The offspring of the wasps have an increased need for protein-rich food and so the parents feed their little ones with chewed insects. Likewise, some of the wasps even pollinate our flowers.