If you are not lucky enough to have bees settle in your garden by themselves, then you should attract them. Just try our tips.

No Bees, No Fruit Harvest
If there are no bees in the garden, the result is that the fruit harvest in autumn largely fails. It is therefore absolutely worthwhile to lure the useful helpers into the garden! At the same time, it really is time to protect the natural habitat of bees, because wild bee populations have decreased dramatically in recent years. Which in turn poses a threat to our entire ecosystem.
Based on these facts, we have put together a few tips on how you can lure the little helpers into your garden and thus protect your fruit harvest and the natural habitat of the bees.
Bees in the garden - 4 tips on how to attract them
Tip 1 - Provide food
The best option is certainly to set up food plants in the garden for bees, but also for the beneficial wasps and bumblebees. If possible, you should offer these continuously from spring to autumn.
Recommendations for this special cultivation include yarrow, ball garlic, early and late flowering daisies, bluebells, thyme, oregano, sedum, cornflowers, mallow, ivy, roses and the like.
Tip 2 - build a bee hotel
Our children learn how to build a so-called bee hotel, which can be hung up in the garden, in elementary school. Especially since smaller versions require very little space because they can only be made from a thick tree disc.
Simply cut a hole in the middle of the tree disc and insert a honeycomb brick break. Then fill it all around with different grasses and straw and hang up the decorative hotel in a protected place if possible.
A larger, well-maintained bee hotel can also be used as winter quarters for the useful insects.
Tip 3 - Use attractants
Ready-made ones are now also available in specialist shopsAttractants are offered with which wild bees can be easily lured into the garden. In most cases, the dry mixture has to be mixed with a little water before it is applied to the leaves of plants, for example. You can also fill the attractant (available here) in a small bowl and place it directly in front of the bee hotel.
Tip 4 - Avoid insecticides
Of course, if you want to attract bees and bumblebees, you must completely avoid using insecticides in the garden. Especially since insecticides can cause great harm to bees, but also to other animals.