Spring bloomers are great because they add color to the garden after winter. So that this is the case every year, you should prune your spring bloomers.
You should cut off spring flowering bulbs every year
When winter is finally over and spring arrives, we look forward to the first blossoms that we can and see bushes. In order for the so-called spring bloomers to delight us in all their splendor every year, you should treat them to a pruning every year. Old branches that no longer have leaves are cut off close to the ground. Otherwise, simply thin out by cutting off the upper shoot tips.
Have no scruples
Pruning takes place after flowering, because if you use scissors before then, flowering will be smaller. Popular spring bloomers include forsythia, scented jasmine, hazelnut, Kolkwitzia and Deutzia. You know how it is: Many have scruples when it comes to suddenly cutting a bush that has developed nicely. It is often assumed that it then takes years until it is bushy again. But that is not the case. The cut in particular favors faster growth. So feel free to use the scissors.