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Plant and care for Thuja - How it's done

Plant and care for Thuja - How it's done

The thuja has long been one of the most popular hedge plants because it is so easy to care for. Read here how to properly plant and care for thuja.

5 Ornamental shrubs with berries

5 Ornamental shrubs with berries

Ornamental shrubs cut a fine figure in any garden. Ornamental shrubs with berries are popular with many hobby gardeners. We would like to introduce five to you here.

Planting and caring for hollyhocks - this is how it's done

Planting and caring for hollyhocks - this is how it's done

Do you love unusual flowers? Then you should plant hollyhocks in your garden. They look great and require very little maintenance.

Ligurian mugwort - aromatic spice and medicinal plant for the herb garden

Ligurian mugwort - aromatic spice and medicinal plant for the herb garden

The Ligurian mugwort is very popular among herb lovers. You can find out more about growing and caring for it in your garden here.

Video: Concrete Santa Clauses - Make Christmas decorations for the garden yourself

Video: Concrete Santa Clauses - Make Christmas decorations for the garden yourself

Christmas is coming and you are still looking for a suitable decoration? How about a concrete Christmas tree? You can find detailed video instructions here.

Make climbing aids from willow rods yourself - creative support for plants made of natural materials

Make climbing aids from willow rods yourself - creative support for plants made of natural materials

You don't have to buy climbing aids. You can easily make a support for plants yourself from simple natural materials such as willow rods.

Zucchini soup - 3 delicious recipe ideas

Zucchini soup - 3 delicious recipe ideas

The right thing for midsummer: A zucchini soup prepared vegetarian and low in calories. It is also a treat when served exotically.

The most popular cucumber varieties and their properties

The most popular cucumber varieties and their properties

Cucumbers are very popular. The selection of cucumber varieties is huge. Here are the most popular varieties and their properties.

Plant magnolia - step by step instructions

Plant magnolia - step by step instructions

In spring, magnolias always delight those who look at them with an immensely lush bloom. You can find out how to plant a magnolia here.

Pruning roses in autumn - what to look out for

Pruning roses in autumn - what to look out for

Pruning roses in autumn: some rose experts advise against it. Others are for it. More on what you can and shouldn't cut away.

Plant and care for diptam (burning bush) correctly

Plant and care for diptam (burning bush) correctly

The diptam is a rarity in the home garden. However, it places special demands on the location and soil. Planting and care tips can be found here.

Prevent snails - 3 tips

Prevent snails - 3 tips

Snails in the garden can do quite a bit of damage. Prevent this by preventing snails. Here are our three tips.

Buying a holiday home with a garden - is this an investment worth it?

Buying a holiday home with a garden - is this an investment worth it?

Many Germans tend to buy a holiday home with a garden. That's a great thing, of course, but is this investment even worth it?

Sandy soil - 6 tips for better soil

Sandy soil - 6 tips for better soil

Are you dealing with very sandy soil in your garden that makes it difficult for your plants to thrive? Improve your soil with these 6 tips.

Growing Exotic Fruits – What you need to know

Growing Exotic Fruits – What you need to know

If you want to grow exotic fruits, then you have a tough job ahead of you. Because here you have to pay attention to a few things. We'll tell you what's important.

Beautify the garden with decorative items

Beautify the garden with decorative items

If you like to spend your time outdoors or in your own garden, decorative items for outdoors are interesting for you. Read more about this topic here.

Video: Make apple turnovers yourself - recipe & instructions

Video: Make apple turnovers yourself - recipe & instructions

Where to put all the apple harvest? Instead of jam, applesauce and eating it raw, you can also make apple turnovers. There is a recipe in this video.

Pruning shears test - test winner comes from GARDENA

Pruning shears test - test winner comes from GARDENA

If you want to properly care for your garden, you need pruning shears. Stiftung Warentest has now tested pruning shears. And we have the result. Read more.

Blanch carrots - Quick & Easy

Blanch carrots - Quick & Easy

Carrots can be prepared in different ways, one possible variant is blanching. With this preparation, the vegetables stay nice

Video: Snowman made of concrete - Winter decoration for the garden

Video: Snowman made of concrete - Winter decoration for the garden

Are you looking for a nice idea for your wintry garden? How about these concrete snowmen? They're quick to make and they look sweet as candy.