Garden maintenance 2025, March
Watering citrus plants is not that easy. You have to make sure that the soil of the plant is always moist. Otherwise she is bad.
The autumn gentian feels really comfortable in the rock garden. With proper care, you can enjoy a sea of blue blossoms in autumn.
When winter is coming to an end, there is a lot to do in the garden so that it wakes up from its hibernation and can shine in bloom in summer.
Home remedies ✅ and natural predators ✅ can help fight whitefly ✅. Preventing whiteflies is even better.
If the photiniae suddenly no longer looks good, it may be due to a pest or a disease. Then quick action is important to save the plant.
If the photiniae develops brown spots, this can have several causes. For example, parasites, the so-called leaf tan or frost damage can be to blame.
Did you know that you have to clear the sidewalk of leaves in front of your house? You can throw it away or put it to good use.
Azaleas are considered easy to care for. However, it does not work completely without care: you cannot do without regular watering and fertilizing.
Use coffee grounds ✅ as free fertilizer ✅ for outdoor and potted plants. The best application tips ⭐ can be found here.
You don't have to dispose of raked leaves. You can also use it to make fertilizer. You don't even need much for that.
Heavy soil isn't exactly a gardener's luck, but it's not a drama either, provided you know which plants and shrubs also grow on heavy soil.
For several years, the box tree moth has been spreading rapidly among us. It causes enormous damage and, if left untreated, leads to the death of the beech tree.
For mulching in the garden, not only conventional bark mulch made of pine or spruce is suitable, but also pine bark. We show you the advantages.
If you have a lot of nettles in your garden, you can use them to make nettle manure. This gives you an effective fertilizer.
Bats are among the endangered mammals that need to be protected. You can actively contribute to this. We have 2 tips for you.
When plants suffer from iron deficiency, you have to act quickly. Here we will tell you how to use iron fertilizer correctly.
Nutrient-rich soil is the basis for tasty vegetables and splendid flowering plants. Terra Preta and Bokashi can be the key to gardening success.
Earth is a precious commodity and the basis for successful gardening. If you want, you can also make nutrient-rich soil yourself.
Ornamental grasses overwinter best if you don't cut them back. It is better to tie the grasses together at the top and in the middle with a string. More about this here.
Roses are always attacked by fungi. We will introduce you to the most common fungal diseases and show you how to treat them.
The soil conditions in the garden play a very important role in the growth of the plants. But how do you determine the garden soil?
Peat-free soils can make watering and fertilizing more difficult if they do not contain the right raw materials and fertilizers in the right proportions.
Creeping buttercups, also known as buttercups, are common in lawns and considered a weed by many gardeners.
Ladybugs bring luck and are also useful. For example, they declare war on aphids. That's why it makes sense to lure ladybugs into the garden.
To ensure that the potatoes thrive undamaged until harvest, you need a certain amount of care. There are a few things to consider, especially when watering.
When wasps build a nest near humans, there is always acute danger. However, they can prevent nest building.
When a beloved pet goes away, sadness often remains. But what about the burial? Can you bury pets in the garden?
Especially on hot summer days, flowers quickly make you hang your head. When watering, however, you should consider a few important things.
Blossoms like butterflies characterize the violet lips. Read here how the cushion perennial is planted and cared for.
If plants suffer from a magnesium deficiency, it is best to use Epsom s alts as fertilizer. Here are 3 application tips.