Garden maintenance 2025, March
If you have discovered mealybugs on cacti, you should fight them immediately, as these animals feed on the sap of the cacti.
Weeds on the sidewalk do not have to be removed with chemical agents. We'll tell you if s alt is really a good alternative.
Not everyone can realize the dream of their own bee colony. Why not? After all, bees can even be kept on the balcony.
The indoor fir with its special appearance cuts a fine figure in every bucket. However, they also need a little care to thrive.
Everyone knows the bright red poppy. But do you also know gold poppies? It blooms strong yellow and without much care.
Turtles are very sensitive and can easily become ill if not cared for properly. You must therefore pay attention to a number of things when keeping them.
Ants in the garden are annoying, but that doesn't mean you have to kill them right away. It is better to move the ants. We'll show you how it works.
Peppermint is easy to grow. However, it only thrives with proper care. We'll show you what to look out for.
Constantly adding new plants to a grave to keep it looking nice can get quite expensive over time. So just use ground cover.
As robust as prickly pear cacti are, they are not immune to diseases and pests. However, if you act quickly, you can save the plants.
When the colorful summer bloomers slowly say goodbye, the summer heather gets its brilliant appearance. However, in order for the plant to flower until winter, it needs regular water and some fertilizer.
What the playground is for children, the garden is for cats. However, this must be cat-proof so that nothing happens to your darling.
Sniffing, observing and playing outside: there is nothing more beautiful for cats. We have tips on how to get your cat used to the garden.
Full water butts are ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes. If you don't take immediate action against the mosquito larvae, you risk a mosquito plague.
The blackbird is actually more of a forest dweller. For several decades, however, the blackbird has also felt at home in the garden.
Many gardening articles talk about heavy soils. But what is that anyway? And how can it be improved and loosened up?
In order for your roses ✿ to thrive, the soil must meet certain requirements. If not, you need to improve it ❗.
Ornamental bananas require a lot of care. There are many questions, especially on the subject of watering and fertilizing, which we would like to answer here.
Daisies seem rather robust with their rural charm. And yet the flowering perennial is also affected by fungal diseases and insect pests.
You fight frost moths in an environmentally friendly and effective way by using natural predators. Glue rings have a preventive effect and protect the environment.
The beloved bonsai can also lose its leaves for various reasons. If care errors are responsible for this, they can be corrected quickly and easily.
Nudibranchs are such little creatures that no one really wants to have in their garden. So here are 7 tips on how to fight slugs.
Wrong care can make the otherwise robust bonsai susceptible to diseases and pests. Read here how to save your plant.
Azaleas are very robust plants ✅ . However, if care errors ❌ occur, they become more susceptible to diseases and pests.
Most care mistakes in bonsai happen when watering. So that your little tree develops splendidly ✓ , we have 6 watering tips for you ✓.
The flannel shrub inspires many hobby gardeners with its magical blooms. However, this is endangered if the plant is attacked by diseases and pests. Quick help is needed now.
Many call them weeds, while we call them wild herbs: Giersch & Co. You can put these to good use. We have some tips for you ✅.
Hedgehogs don't have it easy in winter because they don't have warm fur. So you should offer them winter quarters.
Building a chicken coop may not seem so easy in the garden. But with our tips you can't go wrong at all.
You don't have to be a forester to work with a chainsaw. Nevertheless, or precisely because of this, you must exercise special caution in order to avoid accidents.