Garden maintenance 2025, February

Planting medicinal herbs - varieties and their effects

Planting medicinal herbs - varieties and their effects

Many herbs have a healing effect in addition to the positive taste experience. Read here which medicinal herbs you can plant in your garden.

Keeping cats out of the garden - 5 effective tips

Keeping cats out of the garden - 5 effective tips

Dead birds, broken plants, droppings in the bed - cats are cute, but often a horror for gardeners. My 5 tips ✅ to scare cats out of the garden.

Dwarf Thyme 'Minor' - plant and care

Dwarf Thyme 'Minor' - plant and care

The dwarf thyme 'Minor' ✿ is an easy-care, hardy ground cover that is suitable for many garden concepts.

Upholstery Phlox - Planting and caring for Carpet Phlox

Upholstery Phlox - Planting and caring for Carpet Phlox

Upholstery phlox (Phlox subulata), also known as carpet phlox or carpet phlox, is a flowering and easy-care groundcover.

Gum Tree: Identifying and Treating Plant Diseases

Gum Tree: Identifying and Treating Plant Diseases

Care mistakes make the rubber tree susceptible to diseases and pests. Anyone who recognizes this early can help the plant quickly ✅.

Fighting potato beetles with natural means

Fighting potato beetles with natural means

Potato beetles may look inconspicuous, but they can do a lot of damage. We will show you some effective measures to get rid of the pests again.

Make natural fertilizer yourself

Make natural fertilizer yourself

In order for your plants to thrive in the garden, they need fertilizer from time to time. Make it yourself, save money and protect the environment.

Fighting broadleaf plantains: How to get rid of weeds from your lawn

Fighting broadleaf plantains: How to get rid of weeds from your lawn

If plantain spreads across the lawn, it pushes the lawn back more and more. We'll show you a few ways to get rid of weeds.

Fighting boxwood leaf fleas: This is how it works

Fighting boxwood leaf fleas: This is how it works

The boxwood leaf flea is widespread and mainly affects young shoots. We have tips for you on how to deal with the voracious larvae.

Frost Damage to Plants - Now What?

Frost Damage to Plants - Now What?

Plants that are not hardy can suffer frost damage in a sudden onset of winter. But most of the time they can be saved.

Fighting mallow rust - How it works

Fighting mallow rust - How it works

If your hollyhocks are affected by mallow rust, you must act quickly. Because the fungal disease can spread throughout the garden.

Lawn Bokashi: Making the natural fertilizer is that easy

Lawn Bokashi: Making the natural fertilizer is that easy

A lot of people still don't know about Lawn Bokashi. This is a natural fertilizer that you can easily make yourself.

Fight Spider Moth

Fight Spider Moth

The larvae of the spider moth can eat entire trees bare and reduce the fruit harvest. In the event of an infestation, quick action is required.

Attracting birds - this is how you get atmospheric chirping in the garden

Attracting birds - this is how you get atmospheric chirping in the garden

You like atmospheric birdsong? Then read here how to attract birds and what you have to do to keep them in your garden.

Dwarf Pepper: Diseases & Recognizing and Combating Pests

Dwarf Pepper: Diseases & Recognizing and Combating Pests

Dwarf peppers are relatively robust, but not resistant to diseases and pests. In addition, care mistakes can also cause problems for the plant.

Ornamental asparagus: diseases & Recognize and combat pests

Ornamental asparagus: diseases & Recognize and combat pests

Ornamental asparagus is a robust houseplant. But care mistakes and pests can weaken the plant. Then help is needed quickly.

Prepare the garden soil optimally - tips for the start of the season

Prepare the garden soil optimally - tips for the start of the season

To prepare the garden for the new season, loosen the soil with a cultivator or digging fork and fertilize. Digging is taboo.

Perennials for clay soil: A selection for sunny and shady spots

Perennials for clay soil: A selection for sunny and shady spots

Loam soils are good because they retain water and are rich in nutrients. But not all plants like this heavy soil. However, these perennials love him.

Make the garden dog-proof - This is how your four-legged friend can move around safely

Make the garden dog-proof - This is how your four-legged friend can move around safely

A garden offers dogs space to run and play. In order for them to be able to move there safely, however, a few important measures must be taken.

Loosen and improve compacted soil

Loosen and improve compacted soil

A compacted soil is a diseased soil. You can find out how to give it new life again here.

Care for ornamental asparagus - important information on location, soil, watering and fertilizing

Care for ornamental asparagus - important information on location, soil, watering and fertilizing

Ornamental asparagus is the perfect plant, especially for inexperienced hobby gardeners. But that doesn't mean you don't have to take care of it. He needs a little attention.

Silk tree: recognizing and combating diseases and pests

Silk tree: recognizing and combating diseases and pests

The silk tree is very undemanding and easy to care for. Nevertheless, care errors can affect the plant and lead to various diseases.

Improve loamy soil - With these 3 tips it works

Improve loamy soil - With these 3 tips it works

Surely many plants like clay soil. But not all. So it's good to know how to improve clay soils.

Bleeding Heart: Identifying and Effectively Combating Diseases and Pests

Bleeding Heart: Identifying and Effectively Combating Diseases and Pests

Bleeding hearts are real highlights in the garden. It is annoying when they are attacked by pests or diseases. Then it's time to act quickly.

Water and fertilize palm lilies - less is sometimes more

Water and fertilize palm lilies - less is sometimes more

Most species of the genus Yucca are used to extended dry periods and nutrient-poor soil in their Central American homeland. Therefore, when watering, less is more.

Cleaning the lawnmower - step by step

Cleaning the lawnmower - step by step

Cleaning the lawn mower before storing it over the winter should be a matter of course. We will show you step by step how to proceed. Read more.

Propagating ivy - this is how it works with the help of lowering and fresh shoots

Propagating ivy - this is how it works with the help of lowering and fresh shoots

You have ivy in your garden and want to cover as much as possible with it? Then multiply the plant. The best way to do this is with the help of lowers and fresh shoots.

Organic fertilizer: 4 variants presented for the garden

Organic fertilizer: 4 variants presented for the garden

Anyone who grows fruit and vegetables in their garden should always use organic fertilizers. These 4 fertilizer variants are recommended.

Poppy: recognizing and combating diseases and pests

Poppy: recognizing and combating diseases and pests

Although poppies are very robust and hardy, they are not always immune to diseases and pests. Aphids in particular can severely damage the plant. Quick help is needed now.

Fighting and preventing pollen beetle in the garden

Fighting and preventing pollen beetle in the garden

The pollen beetle can not only damage the rapeseed harvest. It can also cause considerable damage to various useful and ornamental plants in the home garden.