Garden maintenance 2025, March

Keeping chickens in the garden - These preliminary considerations are important

Keeping chickens in the garden - These preliminary considerations are important

You can only keep chickens on a farm? Of course not! With proper planning, you can also keep chickens in the garden.

Collect rainwater and use it as irrigation water - 3 options presented

Collect rainwater and use it as irrigation water - 3 options presented

Rainwater is free and great for watering the garden. If you catch this, you can save money ✅.

Create free range for chickens - 5 important tips

Create free range for chickens - 5 important tips

If you want to keep chickens, you must give them a coop as well as a coop. This must meet certain criteria.

Pests on oleanders

Pests on oleanders

Oleander makes a beautiful conservatory plant. However, there are various pests that can sometimes severely affect your oleander.

Choose a lawn mower according to the lawn area - our purchase advice

Choose a lawn mower according to the lawn area - our purchase advice

Choose your new lawn mower according to the existing lawn area, among other things. Our purchase advice explains why this is important.

Plant and care for blue cushions

Plant and care for blue cushions

Blue cushion is a popular ground cover that needs a sunny location ✅, the soil can also be a little drier ✅.

Care for golden strawberries - This is how the perennial plant develops into a real eye-catcher

Care for golden strawberries - This is how the perennial plant develops into a real eye-catcher

The golden strawberry is quite undemanding. Nevertheless, a little care is essential so that their yellow flowers can spread.

Protection against wasps - 3 tips

Protection against wasps - 3 tips

Summer could be so beautiful if we weren't constantly besieged by wasps. We have 3 tips for you in dealing with the wasps.

Soil improvement through green manure - explained step by step

Soil improvement through green manure - explained step by step

Fertilizer from the trade or would you rather use compost? Neither one! Better improve your garden soil with green manure. We'll show you how.

Green manure with clover: How to make garden soil fit

Green manure with clover: How to make garden soil fit

Improve the garden soil without chemical fertilizers or compost? This works out! All you need are clover seeds & this cover manure guide.

Preventing powdery mildew on begonias &: How to get rid of the fungal disease

Preventing powdery mildew on begonias &: How to get rid of the fungal disease

If your begonia develops mottled leaves, it could be infected with powdery mildew. Then you must act quickly. to save your plant.

Build your own wooden composter - step by step instructions

Build your own wooden composter - step by step instructions

If you have a garden, you should also have a composter. If you build it yourself, you can save money. Here's how to do it.

Removing clover in the bed - tips for prevention & Control

Removing clover in the bed - tips for prevention & Control

A four-leaf clover brings good luck. But not if it grows in the bed where it is undesirable. But how do you get rid of the clover?

Coffee grounds against cats & Use snails - That's how it works!

Coffee grounds against cats & Use snails - That's how it works!

Cats and snails - both animals that can cause a lot of damage in the garden. However, there is a simple home remedy for them: coffee grounds!

Pests on indoor plants - How to fight them

Pests on indoor plants - How to fight them

If you have discovered pests on your indoor plants, then you should definitely fight them. We present the five most common pests here.

Feeding birds in winter – 8 tips

Feeding birds in winter – 8 tips

In the cold winter, it becomes extremely difficult for birds to find enough food. Here you can find out how you can or should feed the birds in winter.

Feed the birds - Avoid store-bought bird seed

Feed the birds - Avoid store-bought bird seed

If you want to feed birds in winter, don't feed them store-bought bird seed. Fruit and sunflower seeds are better. Read more.

5 Tips for protecting plants against frost in spring

5 Tips for protecting plants against frost in spring

When the first flowers bloom, the winter blues finally disappear. However, frost can damage them quickly. So here are 5 tips for protecting plants from frost in spring.

Do bumblebees make honey?

Do bumblebees make honey?

Have you ever wondered if bumblebees make honey? An interesting question, isn't it? We got to the bottom of this one.

Palm Lilies: Recognize and combat diseases and pests

Palm Lilies: Recognize and combat diseases and pests

Palm lilies are actually very robust plants. However, care mistakes make the plant more susceptible to diseases and pests.

Hedge trimming - How it's done

Hedge trimming - How it's done

When pruning hedges, a distinction is made between shape cuts and maintenance cuts. We'll explain what to look out for.

Thuja is turning brown - leaf miner is to blame

Thuja is turning brown - leaf miner is to blame

If the leaf miner attacks the thuja, it will turn brown and die. We will show you how to fight the pest and save the thuja.

Put animal manure in the garden - step by step instructions

Put animal manure in the garden - step by step instructions

Even though many find it disgusting, animal manure is still the best fertilizer for the garden. Here's a guide on how to use it properly.

Fighting Lily Beetle - How It Works!

Fighting Lily Beetle - How It Works!

Lily beetles look interesting, but they can cause a lot of damage in the garden, so quick action is required in the event of an infestation!

Mullein: Identify and combat diseases and pests

Mullein: Identify and combat diseases and pests

Mulleins are hardy plants. However, aphids and root rot can bother them. But you can do something about it.

Fight scale insects on Strelitzia - This is how the pests disappear again

Fight scale insects on Strelitzia - This is how the pests disappear again

Strelitzias are quite robust. Nevertheless, scale insects can give her a hard time. In the event of an infestation, quick action is required!

Planting and caring for swamp calla / dragon root - this is how you create the optimal conditions

Planting and caring for swamp calla / dragon root - this is how you create the optimal conditions

The swamp calla lily, also called dragon root, is very easy to care for. If you create the optimal conditions for the perennial plant, it will thrive.

Care for the fan palm: Water properly, fertilize and cut back

Care for the fan palm: Water properly, fertilize and cut back

With the right care, fan palms can reach a stately size. You don't have to pay much attention to the palm trees.

Hollyhocks: Identify and fight pests

Hollyhocks: Identify and fight pests

Hollyhocks are quite robust. Nevertheless, they are repeatedly attacked by pests. You can get rid of them with simple measures.

Choose the right compost location - this is important to consider

Choose the right compost location - this is important to consider

A composter is a real asset in the garden. But where is the best place to place it so that it doesn't get in the way? We have some tips for you.