Fruit & Vegetables 2025, March
They are not only an ornament on every house wall, they also produce delicious fruit: grapevines. However, they only thrive if you fertilize them properly.
When the gardening year is coming to an end, it's time to winterize the vegetable patch. Here are our 5 tips for the right winter protection.
It is aromatic, he althy and even used as a remedy: ginger. In this article, we will explain to you how to fertilize it correctly.
They come in green, yellow, red and even purple: the peppers. For those who grow them themselves, here is an explanation of how peppers are harvested correctly.
Forgotten for a long time, it is making a comeback today: the quince tree. However, if you buy one, you also have to cut it. Our guide shows how it's done.
No matter if yellow or red, mild or hot: in order for peppers to thrive, they need to be fertilized from time to time. We'll show you how to do it right.
Many gardeners shy away from growing potatoes in the garden because they don't know which potato varieties are best suited. We'll tell you here.
The hardy Japanese asparagus UDO is also ideal for cultivation in our latitudes. We explain how to do this here.
If you don't have much space in your garden for a vegetable bed, you can also use the terrace for cultivation. Here you will be presented with 5 options.
Sloes prefer to thrive on the edges of forests and paths. Of course, you can also plant sloes in the garden. Read here how this is done.
You like to eat salad? Then why not grow lettuce because you can harvest it several times a year. Find out everything about cultivation here.
Without onion sets, many dishes would simply taste bland. So here's an explanation of how you can plant onion sets yourself.
Juicy, freshly harvested peas taste far better than the slightly colorless canned vegetables. Here is a description of how you can grow peas yourself.
The problem with tomatoes is that their skin bursts just before harvest. Read here why tomatoes burst and how you can prevent it.
Sweet corn is really something delicious. And you don't even have to buy it. You can also grow sweet corn yourself. Read how to do it here.
The water spinach, which is very popular in Asia, can also be grown in our latitudes. You can read here how it works and what care looks like.
Today we would like to introduce you to something very special: picking cauliflower. You can grow it e.g. on the balcony. Read how to do this here.
Pillar fruit is very popular with many because it can really be planted in any garden. Here are a few tips for caring for columnar fruit today.
If you want to eat fresh lettuce from the garden in winter, you should plant sugar loaf lettuce. Find out more about growing, caring for and harvesting this lettuce plant here.
If you want to plant ice plant but don't know exactly how to do it, you've come to the right place. We'll tell you what you need to consider.
Growing mini cucumbers in your own garden is actually quite easy. Nevertheless, it is best to follow our tips.
The next time you eat lychees, save the seeds. Because with these you can easily breed lychees. Learn more here.
Quince trees are becoming increasingly popular in our gardens. If you would like to plant and care for a quince tree, then we have the most important information here.
The cardi is not only a delicious Spanish artichoke, but also a beautiful decorative element. So here are our tips for growing and caring for Cardy.
Growing arugula is not an art, because this is an easy-care salad plant. However, it is best to follow our tips when growing.
The best varieties of peppers, chili peppers and chili here at a glance, put together for you. This is how you can find the right sharpness.
Endive is a tender, curly lettuce that is easy to grow. You just have to follow our tips if you want to plant endive.
There are some herbs that should not be missing in any kitchen. This includes garden cress, for example. Find out here how easy it is to plant garden cress yourself.
If you want your kids to eat more vegetables, then grow sugar snap peas. These are damn cute. Here's how to grow it.
The Japanese grape is very tasty, but still quite unknown in this country. Read here how to grow and care for them properly.