Fruit & Vegetables 2025, February
Beetroot is one of the he althiest vegetables that should not be missing in any garden. We will therefore tell you here how you can grow beetroot.
Would you like to plant an exotic fruit in your garden? How about if you grow pomegranates, for example. We'll tell you how here.
Kohlrabi is a cabbage vegetable rich in vitamins that should not be missing in any garden. Read here how to grow and process kohlrabi.
Fast-growing courgettes belong to the pumpkin family and are very popular garden vegetables in our part of the world. Read here how to grow zucchini.
A garden should also have berries, which taste best freshly picked from the bush. So that they thrive, here are our tips on how to fertilize berries.
Black salsify is not only rich in vitamins and nutrients, it also tastes delicious. Find out how to grow and care for salsify here.
Chard is a must in every garden these days. If you too would like to grow chard, then simply follow our tips. More here.
The yellow cocktail tomato is a very aromatic, often almost sweet-tasting garden fruit. You can find out how to plant yellow cocktail tomatoes here.
You can find pumpkins in almost every garden these days. Including not only the typical Halloween pumpkin. We would like to introduce you to 14 popular pumpkin varieties. Read more.
Have you always wanted to plant a pumpkin? You have two options for this. These are plant pot sowing and outdoor sowing. Read more.
If you want to grow figs, it's best to get hardy plants. Read here what you have to consider when caring for the fig tree.
The blood plum delights numerous gardeners every year with its pink blossoms. Due to its dark red foliage, it is also the
No matter whether they are early or late potatoes, floury or waxy - all types of potatoes need to be fertilized from time to time. We'll tell you how to do it right here.
Some diseases can spread when growing cucumbers. Find out what they are and how to recognize and treat them here.
Carrots are naturally very resistant. Nevertheless, various pathogens can spread through incorrect care. You can find out what these are here.
If the temperatures outside are not too stable, you can also prefer your carrots indoors. However, this method is not easy.
If you want to grow exotic fruits, then you have a tough job ahead of you. Because here you have to pay attention to a few things. We'll tell you what's important.
Cucumbers are very popular. The selection of cucumber varieties is huge. Here are the most popular varieties and their properties.
Ornamental shrubs cut a fine figure in any garden. Ornamental shrubs with berries are popular with many hobby gardeners. We would like to introduce five to you here.
The pear tree is one of the classic fruit trees and should not be missing in any garden. So here is an explanation of how it is planted and cared for.
In wine-growing regions they are a tradition, more popular than ever with us: grapevines. With the right choice of location & in our planting instructions, you can also thrive in your garden.
The easy-care chokeberry is not only a pretty ornament for the garden, the fruits of the plant are also rich in vitamin C.
The bitter orange is a robust plant with a rustic charm and an abundance of flowers. But she needs a certain amount of care. By the way: The bitter orange is also very easy to propagate.
The goji berry is a miracle of nature. Their fruits fulfill two expectations at the same time. You can find out how to grow and care for this plant here.
The cranberry is a refreshing fruit and a healing berry at the same time. That is why it is so popular among hobby gardeners. We explain cultivation and care on this page.
Radishes, the crunchy tubers, are almost always sown and harvested directly in the garden. The vegetables can even be grown on the windowsill.
Garden reporting is known to us, but many do not grow it themselves. The garden alarm system is so easy. More on this topic here.
Being able to harvest your own corn is something special. So that it really tastes good, the right harvest time is of crucial importance. You can find out when sweetcorn is harvested here.
The sloe, or rather the sloe thorn, is not just an ornamental shrub, it also bears delicious fruit. Here you can find out what needs to be considered during care.
If you want to harvest juniper berries, you need a lot of patience. However, when the berries are ready to be harvested, many delicious delicacies can be conjured up from them.