Plants 2025, February
If you want colorful plants in your garden, plant bluebells. We would like to present 5 varieties to you here. Read more.
If you want to overwinter your geraniums, you should use one of these 4 options. It's fairly easy to get geraniums through the winter unscathed.
Foxglove is a typical garden plant. But as beautiful as the thimble is, you have to pay attention to a few things and, above all, you should know the peculiarities.
If you want your Diplandenia to get through the winter unscathed, you should find suitable winter quarters in good time. But beware - there are a few things to consider here.
Catnip is a magic herb for humans and animals, but also an ornament in the garden. What effect does the catnip have on cats and humans?
Not all chrysanthemums are hardy. We tell you which chrysanthemums are really hardy and which are not.
There are two easy ways to propagate the flowering Calla (Zantedeschia): by seed and by dividing the rhizome.
Most flowers love the sun. That's why you can find the most beautiful flower beds in the blazing sun. Here you can find out which flowers are particularly suitable for such flower beds.
With a little skill, roses can be moved without worry. We explain step by step how to transplant roses without damaging them.
Chocolate wine is still relatively unknown to us, but there are many who already have it at home. So here are 6 tips for caring for your chocolate wine.
You want optimal privacy protection and still a chic façade greening? The pipe winch is best suited for this.
The easy-care and undemanding Zamioculcas is particularly suitable for beginners. The houseplant is even easy to propagate. Here is
Many plants are poisonous to cats. Since cats like to chew on plants, this is quite dangerous. We have an overview of the poisonous plants for you.
You can plant a coral shrub in two different ways: as a cutting or as a seedling that you have grown yourself from seeds.
Even if the Skimmia is one of the resistant plants, it is not completely immune to diseases and pests. In most cases, however, this is only due to a maintenance error.
The Bleeding Heart can be found in many gardens. You can read about the special features of this plant and important tips here.
The desert rose is an exotic plant that is conquering domestic windowsills more and more often. Properly cared for, it can even be in the garden in summer.
Planting tulips is easier than you think. Our little guide will help you and give tips on what to look out for.
Like many other indoor plants, the clivia needs to be repotted every now and then. But not too early, because the plant doesn't like that at all.
If you want an ornamental perennial in your garden that flowers for a long time and requires little care, then Gypsophila is a good choice.
Chives and parsley are a must in the kitchen. Don't forget tarragon. This is easy to care for and easy to grow yourself.
Like so many plants, the spice bark has to be cut every now and then. This is done quickly because you don't have to use the pruning shears often.
If you like eye-catchers in the garden, you should plant the masterwort. Read here which varieties are particularly beautiful and how they are cared for.
The blanket flower grows particularly quickly and is very popular as a garden flower due to its long-lasting bloom. In addition, it is quite easy to care for.
If you want to strengthen your digestion naturally, then you should grow wormwood. How to do this and how you can use vermouth, read here.
Anyone who wants to beautify their garden with a fragrant plant is well advised to use Musk Mallow 'Alba'. It is easy to care for and easy to plant.
The scabious is a wild flower that is particularly found in meadows. But you can also plant scabious in the garden. Read how to do it here.
If you want to plant and care for orange flowers, you don't have to be a great gardener. You should only follow our tips.
If you want something really elegant in your garden, you should definitely plant Madonna lilies. You can read how to do this and how to care for Madonna lilies here.
The sun rose is an easy-care perennial that comes in many varieties and colors. Use our overview and other tips.