Garden maintenance 2025, February

Fertilize aquatic plants – how and when?

Fertilize aquatic plants – how and when?

Aquatic plants do not actually need fertilizer because the garden pond contains natural fertilizer. However, some pond plants need a little boost.

Care for your lawnmower - 6 tips

Care for your lawnmower - 6 tips

If you don't want to throw the purchase price of your lawn mower out of the window, you need to take regular care of your mower. And this is how it works!

Use yellow boards against insects - Here's how

Use yellow boards against insects - Here's how

Yellow boards or glue boards are excellent against unwelcome insects. We'll tell you how to attach the adhesive stickers here.

African violets: identifying and combating diseases and pests

African violets: identifying and combating diseases and pests

Although the African violet is very undemanding and easy to care for, careless mistakes can mean the death of the houseplant. So react in time.

Gardening in old age: 8 tips to make things easier

Gardening in old age: 8 tips to make things easier

Even with increasing age, you don't have to do without your beloved garden. Follow our tips and make gardening easier for yourself.

How often to water herbs?

How often to water herbs?

Herbs need to be watered like other plants. But not every herb is equally thirsty, so always do the finger test.

Use egg shells as fertilizer

Use egg shells as fertilizer

You want a plant fertilizer that costs as little as possible and is natural? Then try the homemade eggshell fertilizer!

Perform nutrient analysis and soil analysis

Perform nutrient analysis and soil analysis

If, despite careful care, nothing in your garden thrives, it may be due to the soil quality. Now a nutrient analysis is in order!

Chasing Birds from the Cherry Tree

Chasing Birds from the Cherry Tree

Your cherry tree with the delicious cherries must be protected from birds! You can find out what options there are and what we recommend here.

Detect, treat and prevent tomato blossom end rot

Detect, treat and prevent tomato blossom end rot

Blossom end rot is caused by a lack of calcium and mainly affects older tomato varieties. With proper care, you can prevent the disease.

Gentle pest control with beneficial insects - How to successfully attract beneficial insects

Gentle pest control with beneficial insects - How to successfully attract beneficial insects

There are many pesticides available on the market. But you can save this. Better use beneficial insects against pests.

Preparing a koi pond for the winter - 4 important tips for koi lovers

Preparing a koi pond for the winter - 4 important tips for koi lovers

They are majestic, but by no means easy to care for: if the koi pond is not properly winterized, for example, the joy of the animals can quickly disappear.

Fighting spider mites on indoor plants - 5 effective tips

Fighting spider mites on indoor plants - 5 effective tips

When the heaters are turned on in autumn, it usually doesn't take long for them to be there: spider mites. But these tips will drive the little animals away again.

Water the lawn properly - Here's how!

Water the lawn properly - Here's how!

In order for the lawn to stay he althy and retain its rich colour, you should water the lawn properly, especially in summer. This is best done in the morning. Read more here.

Chrysanthemum Rust - How to fight the pest

Chrysanthemum Rust - How to fight the pest

Chrysanthemum rust is a chrysanthemum pest that settles on chrysanthemum leaves in the form of greenish-white or yellow spots. More here.

Thuja turns brown - 2 tips

Thuja turns brown - 2 tips

The thuja is a popular hedge plant, but unfortunately you often see the thuja turning brown. This is not due to the thuja itself, but to the soil.

Water and fertilize prickly pear cactus - this is how you ensure strong growth

Water and fertilize prickly pear cactus - this is how you ensure strong growth

The prickly pear cactus usually does not need much care, you have to water and fertilize it regularly. This is the only way for it to thrive and bear many fruits.

Fighting flea beetles - 3 tips

Fighting flea beetles - 3 tips

The small, yellow-striped flea beetle can cause significant damage, especially to cabbage plants. To fight the flea we have 3 tips ready.

What can go in the compost?

What can go in the compost?

What can go in the compost? This question keeps compost heap owners busy. Here you will find the answers to all questions.

The three most common diseases of roses

The three most common diseases of roses

Rose, the queen of the garden, is unfortunately prone to disease. The 3 most common diseases in roses and remedies can be found in this post.

When the laurel tree turns brown

When the laurel tree turns brown

The laurel tree is often seen in gardens as a laurel hedge. But what to do when the laurel tree turns brown? Here you will find first aid tips.

Cigarette ash against aphids

Cigarette ash against aphids

Try cigarette ash against aphids. There are several ways you can use cigarette ash effectively against aphids.

Tips for the ideal garden soil

Tips for the ideal garden soil

For plants to thrive, an ideal garden soil is required. You get this when you mix mineral and organic components.

Sour cherry fungus - what to do?

Sour cherry fungus - what to do?

Fungus infestation on the sour cherry is indicated by thin tips on the twigs. For treatment, an intensive pruning must be carried out before flowering.

Watering cucumbers - you should pay attention to this

Watering cucumbers - you should pay attention to this

There is a lot to do in the garden during the summer months. Casting is high on the list. Here you can find out what you need to know specifically about cucumbers.

Black Locust: Identify diseases and pests & fight

Black Locust: Identify diseases and pests & fight

Although the locust tree is very robust, it can still happen that some pests bother it. But if you intervene in time, you can prevent worse things from happening.

Fix brown leaf tips on indoor plants

Fix brown leaf tips on indoor plants

Indoor plants that develop brown leaf tips need humidity. The first measure should be to spray the plants with boiled cold water.

Use autumn leaves sensibly

Use autumn leaves sensibly

The autumn leaves can now be used in many ways in the garden. On the one hand as protection against the cold for other plants, but also as fertilizer. You can read the details here.

Cyprus grass: recognizing and combating diseases and pests

Cyprus grass: recognizing and combating diseases and pests

Cyprus grass is not demanding, but needs certain care for proper growth. If you are not careful here, you risk infestation by pests.

Fighting Apple Tree Pests - 10 Pests & Means of Control Presented

Fighting Apple Tree Pests - 10 Pests & Means of Control Presented

While some insects are beneficial, there are many that can harm an apple tree. Then it's time to act quickly and fight the pests.