Garden maintenance 2025, February
If you want to fight pests, then you shouldn't use any chemical agents. It is better to use beneficial insects against pests. Find out more here.
If you want to save a lot of water, you should loosen the soil in your beds. Chopping once saves pouring three times. Find out more here.
You can easily recognize snow mold in the lawn. If you discover circular brown spots with a white edge in the lawn, then this is snow mold. Read more.
If you want to do something good for your plants, you should avoid watering them with water from the tap if possible. Find out why not here.
They are small, brown and can cause great damage: raspberry beetles. But you can easily fight this bug with our three tips.
Numerous plants are repeatedly plagued by harmful insects such as maggots, flies, etc. year after year. With these 6 means you declare war on them.
Whether on the wall of the house, in the lawn or in the flower bed: moss spreads almost everywhere. But with our tips you can get your flower beds moss-free again.
Every plant has different requirements. And that's why not every plant thrives on every soil. So you need to measure the pH of the soil. Read more.
Depending on the region, the irrigation water has a degree of hardness that is too high. So here are a few tips today on how to soften your irrigation water.
Chemical fertilizers should not be used in the garden. Biologicals are better. For example, you can use tea as fertilizer. Here are 2 application tips.
If the leaves of the fruit trees are eaten in spring, it is usually caused by winter moth caterpillars. Here are 3 tips on how to fight the winter moth caterpillars.
Garden soil is not just garden soil. So here are a few tips to keep in mind when buying garden soil.
If you want strong plants in your garden, you should fertilize them. Best with cow dung pellets. Read here how you can use it to fertilize plants.
Since a garden railroad always finds admirers, it should always be properly cared for. Read here how to remove weeds from the garden railroad.
If you want to have beautiful blooming roses in your garden all year round, then you must always take good care of your roses. Here are 9 tips for caring for your roses.
Fertilize your garden organically. This invigorates the garden soil, protects the environment and your own he alth.
Ragwort is a very poisonous plant that shouldn't be in any garden. So here are 3 ways to combat poisonous Ragwort.
Are you dealing with very sandy soil in your garden that makes it difficult for your plants to thrive? Improve your soil with these 6 tips.
Snails in the garden can do quite a bit of damage. Prevent this by preventing snails. Here are our three tips.
Time leaves its mark - including on the house wall, because moss often spreads here. Our tips show you how to remove this.
For vines to thrive, they not only need a sunny spot - they also need proper watering. Here's how to do it right.
The topic of weed control plays an important role for gardeners every year. However, there are ways to prevent weed growth. Here are 3 tips.
If a white coating appears on plants, it is probably powdery mildew. Find out how to combat powdery mildew here.
In order to maintain the engine's performance, it is important that you give your lawn mower an oil change at least once a year. Here are two instructions.
As soon as winter gets out of the dust, you should prune the trees and shrubs. Read here when you should do this and what you need to bear in mind.
Roundup - a harmless, top-class weed killer. At least that's how it's advertised. But is it really as good for the environment as its
Our long article on the subject explains whether earth wasps are really dangerous and how you can safely remove an earth wasp nest.
The goose cress is a popular plant for the rock garden. It is robust and not very susceptible to diseases and pests. Unless you don't take it too seriously with the care.
If hibiscus leaves discolour in the garden and in the room, there can be several reasons. The various options and their remedies can be found here.
Fungal diseases such as monilia or rust can not only damage trees and shrubs in ornamental gardens. Let's get to the bottom of some examples here.