Hints & Tricks 2025, March

Software for garden centers - Helpful assistants for gardening and landscaping presented

Software for garden centers - Helpful assistants for gardening and landscaping presented

Gardeners are not only outside, but often in the office as well. There is software for both areas that can simplify work processes and even impart knowledge.

How does the moon affect the garden?

How does the moon affect the garden?

Many gardeners swear by the moon and only garden at certain times. If you also believe in the power of the moon, you should read on here.

Daffodils no longer bloom - tips for care

Daffodils no longer bloom - tips for care

Your daffodils just stopped blooming? It's annoying, but not hopeless. Find the solution and more care tips here.

First weeks of autumn in the garden

First weeks of autumn in the garden

When autumn arrives, it doesn't mean that the gardening season is over. We reveal here what else you can do in the first weeks of autumn.

Building a roof terrace: planning and design

Building a roof terrace: planning and design

If you want to build a roof terrace, you have to meet certain conditions in order to get permission for it. We explain and give tips on design.

Tree support for vegetables - 3 variants

Tree support for vegetables - 3 variants

In addition to ivy and co., some types of vegetables such as beans or cucumbers also need climbing aids. We will show you three climbing aids for different types of vegetables.

Sun protection in the garden - 5 options

Sun protection in the garden - 5 options

A sunshade in the garden is especially necessary when the sun is really hot on our planet. You can read about the various options here.

Privacy screens for patios - 5 stylish options presented

Privacy screens for patios - 5 stylish options presented

A privacy screen for the terrace does not have to look boring. On the contrary. There are really quirky yet stylish options out there. My top 5 presented here.

Overwintering laurels - this is important to note

Overwintering laurels - this is important to note

Some only know laurel from the kitchen, others have it in the garden. So that it stays there for a long time, it has to be overwintered properly.

Tips for fruit picking

Tips for fruit picking

Harvesting your own fruit is fine, but there are a few things you should pay attention to when harvesting the fruit so that the trees are not damaged.

This is how trees grow straight - 2 tips

This is how trees grow straight - 2 tips

Trees actually grow straight by nature, but every now and then a tree grows crooked. Then you have two options.

Grow your own vegetable seeds

Grow your own vegetable seeds

Hobby gardeners like to plant their own vegetables. So that you don't have to buy the seeds again every year, you can grow vegetable seeds yourself. Read more.

Climbing aids for plants - 4 possibilities

Climbing aids for plants - 4 possibilities

There are differences in the climbing aids for plants, because which climbing aid you need depends on the respective plant.

Tips for all flower bulbs

Tips for all flower bulbs

There are some tips that apply to all flower bulbs. Here you can find out what you need to consider when buying and which floor is the best.

What to do when blackbirds chomp up crocus flowers?

What to do when blackbirds chomp up crocus flowers?

You can often see blackbirds chopping up crocus blossoms. This is related to the search for food for the offspring. One solution would be tinfoil.

Eight loop perfectly supports plants

Eight loop perfectly supports plants

To prevent some plants from snapping, they need to be supported, for example with a figure-eight loop. Read here how to tie this figure eight loop.

So that cut flowers stay fresh longer - 6 tips

So that cut flowers stay fresh longer - 6 tips

To keep cut flowers fresh longer, we have put together 6 interesting tips for you. The timing of the cutting is important.

Pool surrounds: 6 ideas for a stylish look by the pool

Pool surrounds: 6 ideas for a stylish look by the pool

Wood and tile are the most common materials used for pool surrounds. There are other options that make work much easier.

Make a narrow garden look wider - 5 easy-to-implement tips

Make a narrow garden look wider - 5 easy-to-implement tips

A large garden is the dream of every hobby gardener. It goes without saying that everyone who has a narrow garden is annoyed. But you can make it look bigger.

Step by step to the perfect grave design

Step by step to the perfect grave design

The grave is supposed to honor the deceased and to keep him an honorable memory even after his death. A lot of care is therefore necessary when designing the grave.

Gardening tips in September

Gardening tips in September

Even if it's getting uncomfortable outside, September isn't the end of the gardening season. We'll tell you what's left to do.

Video: Aging wood artificially - change the look of wood with coffee, vinegar & steel wool

Video: Aging wood artificially - change the look of wood with coffee, vinegar & steel wool

You can give new wood a weathered and old look with little effort and material. This video tutorial shows how easy it is.

Trees in winter - care and protection for the cold season

Trees in winter - care and protection for the cold season

In the cold season, the garden normally goes into a kind of hibernation. But there are still trees and shrubs that really blossom in winter.

Planting, caring for and storing flower bulbs correctly

Planting, caring for and storing flower bulbs correctly

Flower bulbs must be planted in autumn and should never be stored on top of each other. These and more tips are available in our little guide.

Tomato house for tomatoes makes sense?

Tomato house for tomatoes makes sense?

If you want to protect your tomato plants optimally, then you should build a tomato house. You can find out how useful these are here.

Successfully propagate cuttings in heat – Tips & Tricks

Successfully propagate cuttings in heat – Tips & Tricks

Propagation by cuttings is very popular with gardeners. This can also work in high heat if you pay attention to certain things.

Repel moles instead of fighting them - 8 tips

Repel moles instead of fighting them - 8 tips

The mole is actually very useful. However, its mounds drive many garden owners insane. My 8 tips will help drive away the mole.

Gardena spiral hose box - practical water tapping in the garden

Gardena spiral hose box - practical water tapping in the garden

Watering in the garden is very easy with a spiral hose box. Read here how easy it is to integrate such a spiral hose box in the garden.

Garden tools for left-handers - 3 tools presented

Garden tools for left-handers - 3 tools presented

One would think that all gardening tools are suitable for both right- and left-handers. But this is not the case. Therefore, 3 devices especially for left-handers are presented here.

Building a catchy house out of a clay pot - instructions and tips

Building a catchy house out of a clay pot - instructions and tips

Anyone who thinks that earwigs are annoying insects is wrong. In fact, they are very useful. That's why it makes sense to build a catchy house.