Hints & Tricks 2025, February
Plants can get sunburnt too. Read here how such sunburn affects plants and how you can protect them from it.
Even if it's cold and wet outside, there's still a lot to do in the garden. Here you can find out what gardening is particularly important in winter.
When it gets colder and colder outside, most of the potted plants have to be brought inside. You can read here which plants need to be stored in a bright place in winter.
Now that the gardening season is coming to an end, it's important to winterize your plants. Find out what you should know about overwintering potted plants here.
A garden shredder is a good idea if you have a lot of pruning to dispose of in autumn. But which device to choose? The detailed test by Marktcheck helps with the decision.
If you want to properly care for your garden, you need pruning shears. Stiftung Warentest has now tested pruning shears. And we have the result. Read more.
Many Germans tend to buy a holiday home with a garden. That's a great thing, of course, but is this investment even worth it?
Make climbing aids from willow rods yourself - creative support for plants made of natural materials
You don't have to buy climbing aids. You can easily make a support for plants yourself from simple natural materials such as willow rods.
Anyone looking for inspiration for their garden design should definitely visit one of the numerous garden fairs that will take place again in 2022.
Planting spirals are really very useful, because these spirals provide sufficient support. You can find out how to use such a plant spiral correctly here.
A petrol lawn mower has several advantages. Secure the BIG WHEELER petrol lawn mower here with a strong discount of 22 percent.
Plant strengtheners are very expensive and usually don't keep what they promise. Make your own tonic, easy and fast. Read more.
Some years the harvest is simply huge. Anyone who can no longer keep up with the food can also sell their harvest. But there are a few things to consider.
Laying a lawn edge - that sounds pretty easy at first, doesn't it? However, if you are not careful here, you can quickly make a few mistakes.
You like it exotic? Then bring the jungle home! As? By making your balcony exotic and like in the jungle. It's not difficult at all.
You want to keep your rose presents for a long time? Then simply preserve them with glycerine. You can find out how this is done here.
You can't always trust the weather forecast. You can get more reliable results from your own garden, provided you have the right plants.
It should be a weather station. But whether analog or digital is still unclear? My comparison should help you decide.
A shade garden can be designed romantically. Light conditions must be observed and the soil prepared well before planting.
If you want to design your garden with metal, you can combine practical objects with decorative accents. Be inspired by our ideas.
In November, many types of fruit are ready to be harvested. We have put together 4 important tips that you should consider when buying fruit in November. Read more.
If you don't have a garden, the balcony is often the green oasis. But what if the plants there are exposed to strong sunlight? Then our tips will help.
For pruners to do a good job, they need to be sharpened every now and then. This video shows the steps to be taken.
You can recognize diseased plants when you buy them. Our tips will help you to pay attention to certain characteristics. Just read it here.
If you want to celebrate your wedding in the garden, you have to take on most of the tasks yourself. I have summarized the 6 most important points for your planning here.
Even in August there is still a lot to do in the garden. You can find out which works you shouldn't miss in our short summary.
Plant grafting allows you to combine positive traits from different plants in a genus and unite them in one plant.
A bubble stone in the garden is particularly beautiful to look at. So that it splashes with you too, simply build a bubble stone yourself. In just six steps. Read here.
A tree stump in the garden can be effectively used for oyster mushroom farming. So you always have a supply of the popular edible mushroom at home.
A wicker teepee is a perfect hideaway for kids and a great place for adventure. Here we explain how you can build such a tipi yourself.